6-Credit CE workshop approved by the National Association of Social Workers (Approval #886770222-5879)
Dr. Brian Stress, Psy.D. is a licensed psychologist who practices Forensic Psychology who has been providing Sexual Offender Risk Assessments (Psychosexual Risk Assessments) and Sexual Offender Treatment(SOT) since 1999 when working at McNeil Island Corrections Center, Steilacoom, WA., Stanley Correctional Institute, WI., and in both inpatient as well as outpatient mental health treatment environments. Dr. Stress is offering a comprehensive educational seminar regarding risk assessment of sexual offenders, on variables that may be associated with an increased or decreased risk of participating in a sexual re-offense, types, and efficacy of treatment for sexual offenders, benefits and liabilities of treatment, and strategies for the most efficacious management of sexual offenders. The seminar will assist social workers associated with sexual offenders in performing their duties towards their identified goals.
The workshop is a 6-Credit approved NASW workshop which addresses:
how to treat victims of sexual abuse by developing an understanding of their perpetrator's motives and behaviors
state and federal laws related to sexual offenders
facts and myths of sexual offenders
biological as well as static and dynamic risk factors of sexual offenders
how the internet is biologically and psychologically influencing people's sexual development
6.5-Credit CE Workshop for Counselors Approved NBCC
Dr. Brian Stress, Psy.D. is a licensed psychologist who practices Forensic Psychology who has been providing Sexual Offender Risk Assessments (Psychosexual Risk Assessments) and Sexual Offender Treatment(SOT) since 1999 when working at McNeil Island Corrections Center, Steilacoom, WA., Stanley Correctional Institute, WI., and in both inpatient as well as outpatient mental health treatment environments. Dr. Stress is offering a comprehensive educational workshop regarding risk assessment of sexual offenders, on variables that may be associated with an increased or decreased risk of participating in a sexual re-offense, types and efficacy of treatment for sexual offenders, benefits and liabilities of treatment, and strategies for the most efficacious management of sexual offenders. This workshop will assist social workers, counselors, and any professional who interacts with sexual offenders and/or their victims in performing their duties toward their identified goals through identification, supervision, and treatment of victims and perpetrators.
The workshop is a 6.5-credit workshop which addresses:
how to treat victims of sexual abuse by developing an understanding of their perpetrator's motives and behaviors
state and federal laws related to sexual offenders
facts and myths of sexual offenders
biological as well as static and dynamic risk factors of sexual offenders
how the internet is biologically and psychologically influencing people's sexual development