Dr. Stress & Associates, LLC
5840 Arndt Lane, Suite 3
Eau Claire, WI 54701
Phone: (715) 833-7111

"He Said, She Said" Divorce Blog


How do I know if divorce is the next step in my marriage? When should I give up? (Oct 2017)

Debo yo o mi pareja asistir a la consejeria matrimonial o terapia de divorcio antes de divorciarnos; Que puede realmente cambiar? (Sep 2017)

What Could I Have Done to Save my Marriage? (Aug 2017)

I did not see the divorce coming: How do I deal with the shock, sadness and pain of this betrayal? (Jun 2017)

Dealing with the Shame and/or Stigma of Divorce (May 2017)

Divorce and Communication

How do I tell my significant other I want a divorce? (Oct 2017)
Como le digo a mi pareja que quiero divorciarme?

How and what do I tell my children that their parents have decided to get a divorce? (Sep 2017)
Que y como les digo a mis hijos que sus padres han decidido divorciarse?

What If I or my spouse are not on the same page; one of us wants a divorce but the other does not? (Aug 2017)
Que pasa si mi esposo y yo no acordamos en el divorcio, uno de nosotros lo quiere y el otro no, la peticion de divorcio?

What is the best way to communicate with my significant other during a divorce? (Jul 2017)

Would any counselor be okay to see or should they hold specific qualifications? (Jun 2017)
Como encuentro un terapeuta? Debe tener ciertas certificaciones, o cualquiera esta bien?

What things should I or my child write down prior to seeing a professional for the first time? (May 2017)
Hay cosas que yo, o mis hijos, debemos anotar antes de ver a un profesional por primera vez?

What if my family or friends do not support me and my choice to get a divorce? (Apr 2017)

How do I know if the relationship with my ex, or their family, is negative or unhealthy? (Mar 2017)

Is it okay to end all contact with my ex or his/her family after the divorce is finalized? (Mar 2017)
Que pasa si no quiero hablar con mi esposo o esposa ahora que el divorcio ha comenzado

Child Custody

How do my ex and I figure out custody and placement of our children? What are the best options? (Dec 2015)

Children and Divorce

How do my partner and I tell our children about the divorce? (Oct 2017)

How much should my children know about the divorce and where do I draw the line? (Sep 2017)
Cuanta informacion deben saber nuestros hijos sobre el divorcio; Donde debemos nosotros, como padres, trazar la linea?

How should I, or my ex, help our children grieve through the process of divorce? (Aug 2017)
Como debo yo o mi ex ayudar a nuestros hijos a luchar durante el proceso del divorcio

What if my child is not going to listen to me or refuses to talk with either parent? (Aug 2017)
Que pasa si mis hijos no me escuchan y deciden no hablar conmigo o mi esposo durante el proceso de divorcio?

Should we wait for our children to move out before we get divorced? (Jul 2017)

What are the signs that I or my child should see a counselor? (Jun 2017)
Cuales son algunos signos que indican la necesidad de buscar a un terapeuta o consejero para mi o para nuestros hijos durante o despues del divorcio?

What if my children do not want to participate in counseling and I know that they need help? (May 2017)
Que pasa si mi hijo no quieren participar en terapia, pero se que necesitan ayuda?

Con que frecuencia debo yo, o mis hijos asistir a sesiones de terapia? (Apr 2017)

How do I introduce my children to a new romantic partner after a divorce? (Feb 2017)

Life and Children After Divorce

What methods would help me control the conversation if my ex, or their family, are determined to discuss things outside of our children that I do not want to discuss with them? (Oct 2017)

How do I get over depression and guilt after divorce? (Sep 2017)

How long should I wait before I begin to date after me and my partner split up? (Aug 2017)

How do I handle my children showing disrespect to a new significant other: "You're not my parent I don't have to listen to you" attitude? (Jul 2017)

How do I get over depression and guilt after a divorce? (Apr 2017)

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